Insurance Defense Representation
Wheaton, Chicago & Oswego
The defense of an insurance claim requires the ability to negotiate and litigate a variety of legal disputes. Defending claims of bad faith, regulatory infractions, or compensation for auto accidents, premises liability, or other personal injuries require an aggressive defense. In a suit defending an insurance claim, contact a law firm experienced in insurance defense litigation, such as Esp Kreuzer Cores LLP, conveniently located in Wheaton and nearby Oswego.
To learn more about our insurance defense practice, contact attorney Douglas Esp through this Web site or by calling (630) 871-1002. We provide insurance defense for businesses and insurance companies throughout Illinois.
As experienced litigators, our lawyers have handled insurance defense for both insureds and insurance companies. We have represented clients in cases involving defective products, construction defects, automobile accidents, medical malpractice claims, and insurance coverage.
Given the expense of litigation, we will negotiate, if appropriate, a fair settlement in your dispute. During mediation or arbitration, we can assess the value of claim and your likelihood of success moving forward. We will give you a frank evaluation of your case's chance of success.
To learn more about our insurance defense litigation defense practice, contact attorney Douglas Esp, Adam Kreuzer, or Andrew Cores through this Web site or call the law office of Esp Kreuzer Cores LLP at (630) 871-1002.